Volunteer in our Philippines CCClinic
YOU choose the details!
Trip Fee: See Below
Now that Be the Change meets one-on-one with patients on a daily and on-going basis:
YOU choose the dates
YOU choose the duration
YOU create a team of your own or go solo
BTC trains you & coordinates the logistics
YOU gain hands-on experience
YOU change lives!
Passport Requirements
You must have a valid passport to travel to the Philippines.
If you need information on applying for or renewing your passport,
visit: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports.html
Sample Itinerary Options
The options are endless & can be customized!
You can choose to go for:

Two Weeks
Taking a year off before applying to medical/pharmacy school?
Have PTO or school holiday available?
Contact to discuss the details!
Trip Fee Breakdown

Hear from Previous CCClinic Volunteers
We value the voices and stories of our volunteers. Check out what our volunteers have
to say about their experiences with Be the Change. SHARE YOUR STORY
Christine Wicke
“BTC encourages all feedback and suggestions where you really feel like you are “the change” instead of just tagging along while other people “are the change”. I felt valued and appreciated each and every day.”
Jessica Galindo
“I’ve been on a handful of mission trips, and BTC has created a solution to an issue that I always struggle to accept: not following up. It is hard to leave the countries in which we serve not being certain if patients will continue to get the help that they need. This is why the Continuation of Care Clinic was my favorite part of the 2019 Philippines Outreach.”
Joby Jacob
“Sometimes growth can best be brought out by breaking your comfort zone. Although I served in a country in which I was foreign to the populace, a stranger to the language, and unknown to the culture, volunteering at the Continuation of Care Clinic was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my journey to a White Coat.“

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